Things are starting to get real down here at Augie March HQ in preparation for the ON THE QUIET tour- Kiernan and Glenn have drafted a setlist that contains a song from the Waltz EP, the first single lifted from Strange Bird that was barely played live, a song that features Me (Dave) playing acoustic guitar, and a B side from Havens Dumb that we have definitely never played live... Suffice to say the early rehearsals have been equal parts seat-of-yr-pants thrilling, blank stares and head-scratching.

In an exciting AM merch development, the On The Quiet logo t-shirt will be offered in KID SIZES 🙌 along with standard adult sizes and A RATHER FETCHING AND FUNCTIONAL TOTE BAG for your freshly signed CD or LP to be carried home in!

And just like the Bootikins tour, we will be out at the merch table after every show to sign stuff, get some pics and talk some nonsense with one and all so please pop by and say g'day!

Anyway, time for me to get back to learning those drum parts and harmonies that have been lost in the mists of time... Looking forward to seeing you all out in there in August!

- Dave Augie

p.s The accompanying vid has footage from OTQ 2009 in Syd, the Bootikins live launch soundcheck in 2018 and, the Gumball Festival in 2019...yes we did some mining of the AM footage files for that one!

Augie March Landscape.jpg